neill o'dwyer's blog

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New OF Projects Worth Checking Out

This is starting to become the main content of my blog. How n' ever, it's great content. Check out the new projects of the latest OpenFrameworks newsletter.



Thanks again for your interest in openFrameworks !

We just wanted to mention a few recent projects worth checking out, a talk / workshop in Boston, and to announce an open call for an OF lab we are running in Breda, Netherlands next month.

openFrameworks: OF Lab @ V&A London, February 26th-28th

For anyone in the London neighborhood between the 26th and 28th February this looks really interesting: 
OF Lab / Project workshop

Telenoika Audiovisual Mapping RELEASE 2 :: Figueres Cultura

I stumbled upon this great project which took place at the Ingravid Festival in Figueres. It marks the closing act of the city's appointment as Catalan Cultural Capital 2009. It involves Telenoika's Audiovisual Mapping over the Teatre Jardi facade.


openFrameworks: Workshops | Events | Fresh stuff online

OpenFrameworks have sent round their latest circular e-mail. Lots of interesting links in this one. Enjoy...
Greetings !

Hope everyone is having a great 2010 so far !

Just want to mention a few upcoming events / workshops / happenings...


Zen Drawing goes to Belfast

Three out of the four Zen Drawing team (Néill O'Dwyer, Tara Carrigy & Colin O'Sullivan) traveled to Belfast in August to display the Zen Drawing exhibition at the ISEA (International Symposium of Electronic Art).
The exhibition was a major success and feedback on the project was both exuberant and infinitely helpful.

openFrameworks: talks | workshops | knitting circles | projects and more

This blog is transcribed from the OpenFrameworks newsletter. Anybody with a serious interest in what's happening in the world of Digital Media should be subscribed to this e-mail circular. Visit to get going.

Welcome to Néill's digital media blog.

My blogs will primarily be comprised of autobiographical updates as well as news, events, announcements and reviews of other artists' work—that either interest me, or repel me—whether it be an exhibition, a performance, a film, a lecture or any other cultural endevour. 


In this section I will also provide links and information to important media-art events and developments—at home and abroad—as I hear about them. I will attempt to strike a balance between technical data and cultural theory.

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